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uh is this game getting any update?


i cant extract it to play the game 

Do you have Winrar or 7zip?

nothing yet

Download one of those programs. They allow you to extract .zip files.

Extract RAR Files Online (No limits!) - ezyZip this website lets you extract them

I was able to play on the Itch launcher without needing to extract.

I didn't know you like this game.

(2 edits)

will i keep the save after you update? also when i close the game and got back in i lost my saves!

You just need to exit to the main menu after loading in the game again. You should just be able to load your previous save from there.

i know, but i could't load the save.

To be honest I didn't understand but I played on p

level up screen sometimes takes 10-30 seconds to load which is annoying. Other than that this game seems alright

what should I do if there is a black square instead of a Сhick

Are you playing on mobile? Joiplay you have to run in desktop mode to run it in the right mode to prevent visual issues like that. Certain plugins dont work on lower end platforms like mobile phones.

what does the secret do?

The code? Its for the next build.

are there jumpscares?

Currently no, the closest thing to a jumpscare is interacting with endos and it making a loud noise before they attack you.


when it will be updated?


Around the end of this month. I had a hiccup with a harddrive but it was only a minor setback.

Oh, okay i was just curious , but i believe it will be worth it.

You’re doing amazing game here ^ ^




Dine on my oven-baked avian behind Freddy F***boy

What's the name of the song in the endo battles?

Dada - Aleksandrija

Will there be any options to remove the beak and eyes to match Toy Chica's design in the second FNAF when she begins to move?

Deleted 138 days ago

esta muy good el juego


Will it ever get updated?


Soon, I was redoing most of the content due to a new model for chica along with new mechanics like corruption and clothing.


so in what percent that you can said is finish?


I fucking need this game


Hello, is it possible to add futa content or the main futa character.

If so, is there any chance of adding Withered Chica (hopefully futu) to the game? And it doesn’t matter whether the NPC is an enemy or an ally.

(1 edit) (+3)

hi i know the static camera filter is kind of iconic for a 5 nights game but any chance we can get a option to toggle it off? my eyes get very upset at it after a room or 2 and i know it will be worse for some others


Thanks for letting me know, I can easily add this as an option.

Will there be a discord server made for the game? And if so how can i access it?

There is one, its accessible through the patreon, you only need to pay once to get in and you can stay after. You just wont have access to the channels exclusive to the tier. It's both the incentive for people to sign up and also to keep out everyone who isn't an adult.

after you beat endo is that the end of the demo?

yes that is the end of the demo


the endo of the demo if you will.




When is 1.2.2 or something!?

can you have sex with the endo? Also if you can how do I do it? 


You can, once your heat reaches 100 in the Endo fight you have sex.



Hello! i am here after finishing the demo and i have to say, i LOVE the chica model (also the new one) and the animations for the endo. Keep up the good work! im sure this game will be amazing!

(1 edit) (+3)

After playing this demo im impressed by it, Sure there isnt much but its too the point and simple with the 3dcg being well done and smooth.

This game has a lot of potential and i hope the dev doesnt just abandon it for some reason like so many others in the future. 

My Personal suggestions are for there to be different dicks on hostile NPC's and friendly ones such as potential companions if the dev has any planned. 

Feature to increase various area's on chica as someone will eventually ask about it. So for example a moduale upgrade that increses MC's hip sise. 

Combing Chips to make them a higher grade 

I also hope for anal content in this as i mean...come on...she has a DUMPTRUCK


Thank you for the comment! Due to the nature of the game using a lot of spritesheet animations it does mean that any change to the characters proportions would mean adding multiple new sheets to existing animations which wouldn't be too hard, it would just bloat the game like crazy leading to the game being around 500 megs to about triple or quadruple that depending on the animations necessary. I already have things like corruption affecting animations so to add different varying hip sizes or breast sizes would be another multiplier on top of that. Also as far as the combination of chips it's already planned along with animations involving her butt.

Given my experience with game dev and making sprites im not surprised it would be a bloat to the game size, probably should have typed that down in hindsight. 
Still its a pretty damn good demo you have going with the 3dcg well done. I only hope to see other animatronics such as Mangle or Roxy in the future. 

Best of luck because ill come back to this later given how promising it is 

한국어있나요? 브로?


I'm not sure what this game has in store for the future but so far it has a cool  aesthetic. I recommend quality of life fixes. one a skip animation would be good in battle to make them faster when you are farming. when you want to run away from a enemy it should have it own spot in the action menu(the spot with punch, skill, struggle, ect). and for people just trying to get to the lewd stuff. a seduction choice would be good. that all the quality changes I think would be good .I would say some bugs I found but I'm pretty sure that will be fix with the next update. i cant wait and see what this game be come

Thanks for the comment! I put the run away command in the skills since normally run away doesn't have the functionality of checking whether or not chica is currently being grabbed so I had to put it in the skills tab for now. And the seduction choice is planned for corruption to make it easier to manage later. Thanks :)

no problem keep up the good work

(1 edit) (+2)

>be me

>be bored

>download random funky looking rpg maker game from

>play game

>hear a song from ex yugoslavia as a combat music in the game

>wait what?????


Small world I guess?


How do you open up the rar file?

You need a zip/rar file opener, people usually use 7zip or winrar.

Okay are they free?



I genuinely think this could be an interesting game. Depending on where it goes and what scenarios we can have Chica experience; intentionally or unintentionally of course.  Like you said, first the main mechanics should be implemented then build on top of that with the equipment Chica can get.  Really interested to see what comes of this.

I advise you to add the tag "five nights at Freddy's"


I didn't add it because I don't want people looking for specifically that game or gameplay style and then getting my nsfw game lol


I really like your game, even if it's a demo and I play it on a PC emulator on my Android, I look forward to the next updates with great enthusiasm ;)

thanks! :D


This game was amazing, do you have any idea of when the next update will be ready?


I plan on having an update around next month but since im reworking all the animations it will be some time near the end of the month, I can't guarantee anything though since I'm going to do some testing on my server before I release anything.


For a demo, it far exceeded my expectations and I see a lot of potential, I can't wait for the next updates and to be aware of the new content ;)

I am unable to play even tho I'm on compute

I need more information, do other rpgmaker mv games work or just this one? What version of windows are you running or are you running on macbook? Linux?


Windows 11 Home Single Language, 

Version 22H2, 

Operational system 64 bits, 

Processor x64.

Oh, sorry, I didn't see you were asking this question to someone else, I thought it was a public question, sorry.

yes all the other games work and it's CHKN0. for window 

I still dont have enough information to help you, can you tell me more about your computer?


I like the game

And can wait for the update 

Wish more animatronic o female in the party o something the story all end in restrauran update o pizzaplex 

Nightmares or something diferente 

Good luck and found more people help this game

Sorry for me bad english :"/


When will there be an android port?


I would tell you, but it doesn't render 3d models so I won't, just know there is something that can make rpg games like this android compatible.

Some people in the comments found a solution by running the game in some sort of desktop mode in an app that runs these types of games. If you can do it without it turning all the animations broken then it should work.

Ahh!, then I'll say, it's JoiPlay.


I went through the game as far as possible. and I want to say that the game has a huge potential, good and smooth animation, intuitive interface (it's a pity that there is no Russian language yet).


how do i open up the game?


Ooh I'm trying to think of what could be added to this game... it all depends on the scope of the game though. For now I'll wait until there's a bit more to the game like basic mechanics before recommending kinks.




how do i runn the game


I really hope there will be an android release.

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